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Thanos' Closet features left & right bin-lofts, built-in shelving on the right, and a hybrid fixture on the left, built from repurposed old, damaged, and almost-useful existing pieces.

The hybrid fixture features a candy-locker for sibling privacy and 12x12" cells for nested bins, baskets, etc adding organizational and storage functions.



 Sotiri's Room 

When the family required another bedroom, we added a wall to a hallway, changing an open loft into a bedroom en suite. The wall functions as a noise baffle, providing privacy in a busy household. The bookshelf is the doorjamb. The inside face of the wall features more garment hooks and fixtures. Words the client used to describe her vision was to make it like 'walking into an intricate tapestry,' and something which denotes a 'rich and developed interior,' which also describes their elder son, who inhabits the room.


Egg Shelf 

The folks at Dandylion Organic Delivery Service in Bellingham, Wa required some extra shelving for the organic farm fresh eggs they pack into bins for delivery. The lower-left shelf is the width of a carton of a dozen eggs. They liked it so much they decided to maximize for optimal capacity, and the people of Bellingham are happy to have such beautiful, rich, healthy eggs along with their organic veggies.

The Sample's Basement
The Sample Family had a long, narrow, dark basement. They wanted some storage shelving, but didn't want to make a narrow room narrower. They wanted to be able to vacuum the floor without furniture in the way. After the shelves were built, they decided to create a recreational hangout themed around the colors of a favorite pillow. 


The shelving hangs on the wall, 'floating' above the perimeter of the room, creating the feeling of width and allowing for easy vacuum-cleaner access.

The room has exposed furnace ducting and vents in the corner. The venting is hidden by a heat shield disguised as volumes of literature. Careful observation reveals that the shelving width is entirely disproportionate to actual books.


Floating shelves on the rear wall, dimmable, articulated track lighting on the ceiling, and low-light rope lighting add to the room's theater-like qualities.

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